Monday, January 27, 2020

Micro Combined Heat In Uk Residential Areas Environmental Sciences Essay

Micro Combined Heat In Uk Residential Areas Environmental Sciences Essay Combined heat and power or cogeneration is the concurrent production of heat and electricity. CHP technologies produce electricity, heating and cooling from fuels such as natural gas or renewable including landfill gas or biodiesel at or near facilities like industrial complexes or commercial buildings. That is important because almost 70 percent (Roth, 2005) of the energy used to generate electricity at todays conventional power plants is lost in conversion, delivery and distribution. That means only about 30 percent reaches its destination as useable power (Roth, 2005). CHP systems recover the heat that would normally be wasted in conventional electricity generation. They then use the energy from that heat to cool and heat their facilities. Of course, they also save the cost of the fuel that a separate unit would use to produce heating or cooling. CHP systems come in many sizes, from residential systems that generate one kilowatt of electricity to heavy industrial installations t hat can produce up to 25 megawatts. In a typical CHP, such as a gas fired CHP, gas is burned in a combustion chamber. This creates a steady flow of hot gas that drives a turbine, which is coupled to a generator, thus producing electricity. As the gas is heated it is captured by a heat recovery boiler. The boiler then heats water which is pumped through insulated pipes providing space and water heating as required. In warmer countries were air conditioning is often used, the waste heat can also drive an absorption chiller to produce cold air. This is known as trigeneration'(Bex, 2008). 2.3 Global Warming Global warming describes the greenhouse effect. Certain gases allow short wave radiation to pass through them unabsorbed while also absorbing some long wave radiation that gets reflected back into space (Knol, 2009). Greenhouse gases trap heat the way glass walls of a green house do causing the Earths temperature to raise. For thousands of years, emissions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere have been well balanced by the amount of greenhouse gases that get naturally absorbed. These conditions have allowed human civilisation to develop within a consistent climate. Evidence shows that human activity contributes to global warming by adding to and changing the levels of the gases responsible for the greenhouse effects. Changes that have historically taken thousands of years are now taking place over decades. Rapidly retreating glaciers in countries such as Greenland, Alaska, Antarctica and on high tropical mountains show that global snow is melting and that massive glaciers worldwide are disappearing fast. As water flows to the seas from melting glaciers and icecaps, causing a rise in sea levels. If this continues highly populated cities like Tokyo, Bangkok, Shanghai and New York are all at risk of major flooding. Scientists predict that floods and droughts are likely to increase in number and severity and climate related diseases such as malaria can rise. (REFERENCE) Other signs of climate change are seen in drying forests and dying wildlife. Methane, nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide (CO2) are just some of the greenhouse gases contributing to climate change. 2.3.1 Carbon Dioxide Of all the greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide is the main culprit. CO2 accounts for the largest proportion of greenhouse gases and contributed around 77 percent of the UKs total emissions of greenhouse gases in 1990 (REFERENCECCB). Currently, carbon dioxide is responsible for around 60 percent of the enhanced greenhouse effect (BBC, 2010). Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide. Fossil fuels are used to power cars, heat homes and give people electricity. Deforestation is also a major problem as the carbon dioxide stored in trees is released and also results in less carbon dioxide being removed from the atmosphere through photosynthesis. Atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide have risen steadily since the beginning of the industrial revolution and these levels are forecast to rise even more rapidly as the global economy grows (ASME, 2009). Reducing the threat of global climate change starts with using clean energy options where available to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. Such clean energy options include microgeneration technologies such as small wind turbines, heat pumps and micro combined heat and power systems. 2.3.2 UK Government Pledges The Kyoto Protocol treated was agreed in Japan in Kyoto, Japan in December 1997. It came into force in on 16 February 2005. The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement linked to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. It is a legally binding agreement under which industrialized countries will reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 5.2 percent by 2012 compared to the year 1990. The aim is to lower overall emissions from six greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide. National targets have been set for countries worldwide, some of which include an 8 percent reduction for Australia, 6 percent for Japan, 10 percent for Iceland and 8 percent for the European Union (REFERENCE). The 2006 UK Climate Change Programme, is designed to meet the UKs Kyoto Protocol targets by reducing the emission of greenhouse gases by 12.5 percent between 2008 and 2012 (REFERENCE). This would also bring the UK closer to meeting their domestic target fo reducing carbdon dioxide emissions by 20 percent below 1990 levels by 2010 (REFERENCE). It also includes a goal the reduce overall carbon dioxide emissions by 60 percent by around 2050, with a significant reduction of around 26 percent by 2020 (REFERENCE). In July 2007 the Governments Building A Greener Future: Policy Statement revealed that all new homes must be zero carbon from 2016 (REFERENCE). To achieve these domestic targets, new low carbon technologies must be introduced in homes across the UK. Focusing on the manufacture and installation of microgeneration technologies seems the most probable route for the government to go if they are going to meet their targets. 2.4 Micro-CHP Micro CHP is the simultaneous production of heat and electricity in a domestic or small commercial environment. They are generally run as heat applications, installed in the residents home, acting as a replacement for a conventional heating system such as a condensing boiler. Micro-CHP systems are currently based on several different technologies: Stirling Engines Steam Engines Internal Combustion Engines Microturbines In a Micro-CHP system, a prime mover such as a Stirling engine drives a generator which produces electricity. The waste heat from the engine is used in the primary circuit of the heating system and the electricity generated is either used in the house or transferred back to the grid. Micro-CHP systems are able produce heat at a very high efficiency of over 90% (Nottingham Energy Partnership, 2008) and utilise waste heat to produce electricity as a by-product. This leads to a reduction in C02 emissions and may also drastically reduce energy bills, with a saving of 35% per annum being achievable (Cogen, 2009). In the past and present, CHP has proven to be beneficial in many large-scale situations by increasing the overall thermal efficiency, reducing the total power requirement, and providing higher quality, more reliable power. Applying CHP technology to smaller scale residential and small commercial buildings is an attractive option due the large market potential. (Mado et al, 2008) Figure 3 : Schematic of how energy flows in a micro CHP system 2.5 Marketability Today, countries all over the world are worrying about the effects of climate change. Governments are providing major support in the design and manufacture of greener technologies, all in aid of reducing in carbon dioxide emissions. They are encouraging people to go greener, and in some countries are providing financial support towards pushing micro-CHP systems onto the market. (CHPA, 2010) The main target market for micro-CHP is the domestic market as a replacement for conventional gas boilers in domestic residences, with the Micro-CHP unit operating in a heat-led mode. The UKs domestic sector is responsible for 33.6 percent(REFERENCE) of the electrical usage. This is evident from the data provided in Figure 4 which also shows that the domestic sector makes up the largest portion of UKs electrical energy consumption. Figure 4: UK Electrical Consumption by Building Sector Figure 5: UK Electrical Consumption by Building Sector The domestic energy consumption is not only the largest portion of the pie chart, but it is also the fastest growing segment. From 1961 to 2004 the number of UK households rose from around 16.5 million to 24.7 million (Office for National Statistics, 2005) and in 2009 projected figures published show an 30 percent increase in English households (CLG, 2009) and a 25 percent increase in Welsh households(W.A.G, 2009) over the next 20 years. Of the 24.7 million UK households around 14 to 18 million of these are said to be suitable for m-CHP units. (Cogen, 2005). Generally houses in the UK have low levels of insulation and therefore require higher levels of heating compared to much of north-west Europe (Cogen, 2005). Statistics show that only 14 percent of UK homes are fully insulated. Figure 6 shows that from 1970 to 2000 energy use for space heating has risen by 24 percent, for water heating by 15 percent, and for lighting and appliances by 157 percent. The only reduction was energy use d in cookin which has fallen by 16 percent. (National Statistics, 2001) Figure 6: Domestic final energy consumption by end use 1970 to 2000 There are approximately 17 million gas-fired central heating systems in the UK and approximately 1.3 million gas boilers are sold each year (Cogen, 2003). These figures show the large potential market for Micro-CHP in the UK. 2.4.1 UK Government Financial Aid The domestic Micro-CHP market is supported by the UK government who help fund public bodies that are in support of a more energy efficient UK. Two of these main public bodies are the Carbon Trust and the Energy Saving Trust (Act On CO2, 2008). In April 2005, the UK Government stated its intentions to support the demand of this up-and-coming technology by reducing VAT on Micro-CHP units from 17.5 percent to 5 percent (Cibse, 2005). On 1 April 2006, the Department for Trade Industry announced phase one of its  £80m to suport the take-up of microgeneration technology under the Low Carbon Building Programme (Cowburn, 2008). On 5 February 2010, the Government recognised the importance of Micro-CHP technology and announced its financial support for the technology through its Clean Energy Cashback Scheme (also known as the Feed-In Tarrif) (REFERENCEcashrewardformchp). Graham Meeks, Director of the CHPA (Combined Heat and Power Association), said: Support uner the Feed-In Tarrif is vital in the early stages of commercialisation for micro-CHP, and todays announcement is a step in the right direction. It will help secure the UKs world-leading position in this exciting low-carbon technology, whilst giving householders a cost-effective choice in cutting their carbon footprint. (REFERENCEcashreward) The Feed-in Tariff (FiT) scheme is the first phase of the Governments Clean Energy Cashback programme, and came into effect on the 1st April 2010 (Energy Saving Trust, 2010). It will provide a financial incentive for small scale, low carbon electricity generation. The FiT is mainly intended as a means of encouraging adoptions of green microgeneration technologies. The scheme has the potential to revolutionise the way consumers use and generate energy. How the Scheme Works If you are eligible to receive the FiT then you will benefit in 3 ways: 1. Generation tariff a set rate paid by the energy supplier for each unit (or kWh) of electricity you generate. This rate will change each year for new entrants to the scheme (except for the first 2 years), but once you join you will continue on the same tariff for 20 years, or 25 years in the case of solar electricity (PV). 2. Export tariff you will receive a further 3p/kWh from your energy supplier for each unit you export back to the electricity grid, that is when it isnt used on site. The export rate is the same for all technologies. 3. Energy bill savings you will be making savings on your electricity bills , because generating electricity to power your appliances means you dont have to buy as much electricity from your energy supplier. The amount you save will vary depending how much of the electricity you use on site. (REFERENCE, energy savings trust) 2.5.2 Current Market Situation In 2002 it was estimated that there were around 1000 Micro-CHP systems in operation in the UK. The majority of these systems were Whisper Techs Whispergen Stirling engine and Senertech Dachs reciprocating engines (Wikipedia, 2009). At present, Stirling Engines, Organic Rankine Cycle and Internal Combustion Engines dominate the near-market (Dijkstra, 2009). However, only one company is close to exploiting the UK domestic market. The reason for this is other leading companies are targeting small commercial businesses and places like sheltered housing accomodation with larger units (Cogen Europe, 2004). WhisperGen who have joined forces with one of the UKs leading power and gas companies E-ON (Micro Power, 2004) are at the forefront of the UKs domestic market. However, at present, they are not currently delivering any units to customers, although they are working towards a full market roll-out off mass manufactured units from 2011(E-ON, 2010). 2.5 Micro-CHP System Overview Micro CHP is the simultaneous production of heat and power in individual homes; a unit which replaces the central heating boiler, providing heat and hot water as usual, but also generating electricity at the same time. It is not renewable energy (unless the fuel is renewable) but at least low carbon, and often lower carbon than some so-called renewable energy sources. The majority of micro CHP systems today use natural gas as a fuel. The fuel is burned in the Stirling engine or other prime mover; the engine drives a generator which produces electricity for use in the home. Any surplus is exported to the network for use by others. Waste heat from the engine is used to heat water in the primary circuit of a hydronic, or radiator-based, central heating system. Depending on the type of prime mover, around 70% of the energy in the fuel is converted into heat, with 10-25% converted into electricity. Electricity is more valuable than heat, so there are substantial economic and environmental benefits compared with the separate production of heat in a boiler and electricity in a power station. Smart metering uk climate change programme Cowburn D (2008). Microgeneration and why it is the future

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Atlanta Home Loan – Case Study

Thank you for providing the background information of your company. Based on the information provided, there appears to be deficiencies in the control systems implemented within the operation. These control deficiencies were one of the main causes that allowed unintended individuals to gain unlawful control over Atlanta Home Loan. In order to prevent this from happening again, it is important to identify the main issues that caused the company to fall, generate alternatives to apply in the future, and evaluate these alternatives to see which controls would be most valuable to your future business.Control System AnalysisBefore attended the EMBA, your main system of control was action and result controls. Action controls were demonstrated in several control areas: direct monitoring of the credit inquiry of each loan application; close monitoring of the loan application/lead ratios and their trends to identify any irregularities; receiving funds directly from the proceeds at closing; re ceiving brokers’ checks overnight at AHL’s office or direct wiring of money to AHL’s general account. Result controls were demonstrated through AHL’s compensations to the loan officers based on who originated the deal.Since the school started, in addition to the existing controls, you have set  up remote monitoring system to keep track of employees’ daily activities as well as forwarded all corporate mails to California. These are also forms of action control. Provided that Wilbur generates revenues to the company, you compensate him through commissions. This is a result control.Generally, there are four types of common controls a firm can utilize when setting up their internal control systems: results, action, and personnel/cultural controls. As per the above analysis, it appears that AHL primarily used only action and result controls and lacked the use of the personnel and cultural controls. Action controls heavily rely on your personal effort in monitoring the behaviors of your employees; it does not promote goal congruence within the firm. Result controls provide autonomy or motivation for employees to strive better as a team, but the linkage between results and actions may not always be perfect.In the case of AHL, action and result controls are susceptible to fraudulent acts as they are evaluated based on the observation or outcome the company; they are more of reactive than proactive control systems. For example, there is a lack of monitoring of loan applications once they are past the loan officer level. In addition, there was a lack of segregation of duties within the departments of your firm.Wilbur had the use and privileges of AHL, as well, he was able to conduct human resources function at the same time have the authority to pay any office expenses. Further, signed blank checks were made available to the company management during your absence. These are control deficiencies that are visible for staff and are easy targets for misappropriations.Besides several weaknesses in controls, AHL does not have a sound company strategy. It is important to develop a corporate-level strategy by establishing a functional organizational structure as well as strengthen your business unit strategy by setting up a mission statement or a vision for your employees to realize.Preventing the Same Mistake from HappeningWe have identified the current controls implemented at AHL, some of the controls need improvements in order to prevent the same problems from happening. AHL should to consider strengthening your action controls by implementing the electronic links to the processors’ files so you can see the entire loan application process remotely instead of only checking the status at the loan officers’ level. In addition, Segregation of duties should be enforced by having separate individual personnel handling loan applications, loan submissions, paying office expenses, human resources, approving pay ments, and signing checks, etc.This would require the coordination of personnel controls which helps an organization find the right people, giving them a good working environment and the necessary resources to do their work. AHL should have a trained recruiting manager or an experienced staff to conduct the hiring and firing process. In addition, AHL should continue to establish a more effective motivational compensation plan (through its result controls) that not only rewards the outperforming staff, but also encourages synergy and goal congruence for the organization.This will be complemented through the implementation of cultural controls. AHL can set company code of conducts and statements of values, create an ethical tone at the top and promote employees in thinking more socially responsible. A company’s culture can unite its employees or attract new employees as they share a similar set of values. The alternative controls in place could help prevent your past mistakes a nd assist in hiring and rewarding trustworthy employees.RecommendationsAction, personnel, and cultural controls are three key controls that should be in place to reduce the probability of the case events reoccurring. If you can tighten the current action controls via the help of technology or an independent monitoring system, then the loan application to leads ratio could be significantly increased as it reduces the likelihood of any loan officers privately absorbing the loan applications without reporting them to the firm.A solid action control cannot be solely performed by your (one person), so implementation of personnel controls is essential which will allow you to recruit talented and trustworthy employees that prevent theft or fraud from reoccurring. Setting a clear mission statement and company corporate governance policy will provide an overall cultural support to the company that will complement the application of action and personnel controls. I hope the above memo can be a useful guidance for you in the future.

Friday, January 10, 2020

KFC Marketing Plan Essay

KFC formally known as Kentucky Fried Chicken is the world biggest and most popular chicken-based restaurant chain, headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky in the United State. It is originally founded by Colonel Harland Sander in 1952. Throughout its rapid growth it has now over 150,000 stores available nationwide in 105 countries boosting 59 years of history of success and innovation. In Malaysia, the first KFC restaurant was open in 1973 on Jalan Tunkul Abdul Rahman, and today there are more than 500 outlets throughout Malaysia and are still counting (KFC, 2011). 2.0 KFC Current Concept and Practice Malaysia’s KFC restaurant is an organization that runs and managed by Malaysian which practices self service concept in it business. Customer need to serve themselves when doing purchasing. Besides that, it also practices on the concept of Halal food. Halal food is food that conforms to Islamic Law or Shariah, it regulates that food consumed must be hygienic, not harmful to health, free from any forbidden parts of animals’ origin and anything regarded as filth under the Islamic law (KFC, 2011). 3.0 KFC Marketing Mix (7P’s) Marketing mix strategy is choosing and implementing the best course of action to meet the organization goal and gain competitive edge. The 7ps of marketing mix is one of the most popular used marketing concepts by marketing professional. It composes of product and service, price, place, promotion, people, process, and physical evidence (Behera, 2008). 3.1 Product and service Product is the tangible product or service offered to customer to provide customer satisfaction. No matter the product is tangible or intangible, it must provide the right feature and value to customer that include aspect such as appearance, function, and packaging (Anon., 2010). KFC are well known for his signature pressure-fried chicken pieces made with the original recipe. KFC primarily sell chicken in form of pieces, and salads (Wisnudewobroto, 2011). Although the main focus product is fried chicken, but KFC also developed a wide range of product offering variety choices to customer. It includes of burgers, signature Kentucky Nuggets, and wraps with a wide range of side dishes and dessert to pair with (KFC, 2011). 3.2 Price Price is the amount of money customer pay for a product (Anon., 2012). The price offered must be reasonable and competitive, and most importantly is to entail profit. The pricing tactics include not only the price list but it also comprise of on-going discount, offers and promotions (Behera, 2008). KFC products are priced high but not high overly, and their target customers are middle class people. However, to compete with other fast food restaurant KFC trickle down product price for selected item during mealtime to attract lower middle class customer to penetrate both sides of the markets (Wisnudewobroto, 2011). Promotions such as KFC a.m., Lunch Treats and, dinner treats are the current promotion available at KFC (KFC 2012). 3.3 Place Place refers to the location, and distribution channel whereby the product is reachable and can be purchased by the target customer and how the product reaches the location (Behera, M., 2008). KFC has over 500 outlets nationwide, and are generally in easy reached, nearby location. Besides dine in option, KFC also provide home delivery service up to customer doorstep and drive through counter offering convenience and different alternatives to customer, however these services are only available at selected area with fixed menu. In the same time KFC also developed the â€Å"Meals on Wheels†, a catering service for all sort of functions and occasion which can be done at any place (KFC, 2011). 3.4 Promotion Promotion includes various ways in selling and communication in spreading information to target customer of what the organization has to offer. Promotion tactics comprises of advertisement, public relation and sales promotion. A successful promotion strategy will be able to draw customer attention to be aware of the product and affect customer behavior (Behera, 2008). The distribution channel of KFC is quite varieties such as television advertisement, internet, and templates. Lately, KFC have come out with a range of attractive promotion item, KFC Cracker Sandwich, Lunch Treats, Zinger Double Down, Pokkits, and Bargain Bucket are examples (KFC, 2011). 3.5 People People refer to the individual that involve in the sales of product, such as attendant who deliver the service, promoter and product salesperson. Therefore these people are the important element for the organization. Adequate product knowledge training is essential to these people (Behera, M., 2008). KFC’s front-line staff always dressed neatly and appropriately. All staff is provided with appropriate standard working uniforms and is required put it on while on duty (KFC, 2012). Besides that, KFC also provide great serve training to employees. The front line staffs are nice and friendly, staffs greet every walk in customer with a smiley faces, and prompt in servicing customer (Mohammad, 2007). 3.6 Process The process in marketing mix is especially relevant to the service industry. It is the procedure of delivering service to customer, and the behavior of the person who serve. It is critical to customer satisfaction, hence, it is important to keep staff well trained in order to have a thorough understanding towards the service available (Anon., 2009). KFC is a self-service concept fast food restaurant (Anon., 2012). Dislike fine dining restaurant, customer need to help themselves from ordering up to picking up their meal. There is no hostess available as well, customers are free to choose their preferred seats to dine in. Sauces are available at the condiment bar in the dining area for free load. 3.7 Physical Evidence Physical evidence is the experience of using a product or a service. Customer cannot experience before they make a purchase which will make them feel risky, however organization can reduce this uncertainty by providing evidence to customer through testimonial demonstration showing that the organization keeps its promise. (Anon., 2009). The bright and bold graphic designs in KFC that showcase the company’s icons â€Å"11 secret recipe† and â€Å"Finger Linckin Good† communicate a fresh sense of pride towards its starring result of their product. While the warm and contemporary design and spacious seating makes customer feel welcome and cozy (KFC, 2011). 4.0 Marketing Objective The objective for this marketing plan is to increase sales revenue up to 20% by final year 2013. The reason for proposing this objective is to boost company sales revenue for KFC product range in this global economic downturn by the end of 2013 whilst gain a competitive edge in fast food business. 5.0 Marketing Strategy KFC decided to launch veggie burger and veggie warp in coming 15th December 2012. A 100% vegetarian product food product firstly available in KFC. The new products are named â€Å"Vege Bugger† & â€Å"Vege Wrap†, it is a hamburger style and wraps that does not contain any animal products. The patty of the veggie burger and wrap is 100% free from animal product. It is made from vegetables, grains, seed, and textured vegetables proteins, legume, soy, beans, nuts and mushrooms are examples. It will also blend in the KFC signature recipe, the Sander â€Å"Original Recipe† which contain of 11 herbs spices making it healthy and delicious. This concept comes from the changes of consumer behaviors in society these days. It is clear that consumers are much more health conscious today than ever before when come to food consumption. They are more conscious when they buy and seeking out food product, and generally prefer foodstuffs which is health benefited (Ligaya, 2009). In addition, the widespread in vegetarianism is another main factor that builds up this concept. According to Kayne, (2012), vegetarian diet is significantly healthier then diet which include meat and animal product. Studies have found that decrease of meat intake will increase health benefits and longevity might increase as much as 20 percent. Therefore eating green and healthy whilst saving the environment are the concepts for the new product. This 100% vegetarian ingredients product enables to attract new batch of potential customer which KFC has never target before. 5.1 One Year Integrated Marketing Plan The group of customer that KFC has decided to target for is vegetarian and health conscious consumer, as the main selling point of Vege Burger and Vege Wraps stressed on non animal product and healthy food. In the one year marketing plan, KFC marketing team will be using multi-market strategy in promoting the new product. The segment covers adults, children, family and budget customer who is looking for healthy and delicious food. The purpose of using this strategy is to target every possible customer segment as possible to increase and maintain revenue for the company. 5.1.1 Product and Service The new product KFC will be going to introduce is Vege Burger and Vege Wrap. It will be launch in the 15th Dec 2012, targeting health conscious consumer and vegetarian segment. The Vege Burger and Vege Wraps emphasized on 100% veggie made, and 100% free from meat, even the sauce and cheese used are 100% vegetarian. The burger and wrap are hi in fiber and protein and low in cholesterol as meat component has been replace by vegetables and use zero trans fat oil, thus it is the perfect choice for weight conscious customer. The burger and wraps will come in standard size, however customer may customize on the fillings according to their preferences as KFC are using customization strategies for this new product to attract more customer. The morale behind is that people can choose what they wanted for their food, customer will be more satisfied if they can choose what they want, and are not restrained with fixed menu. In order to get more new customer, continuous innovation and improvise will take place from time to time according to preference and taste of customer. 5.1.2 Price KFC come up with different pricing and bundling strategies for the new launch product, the Vege Burger and Vege Wrap, such as lunch treat, combo meal, and family meal. The super worthy meal enable to attract middle and lower class customer to increase overall sales volume. On the other hand, KFC is also using skimming pricing strategy on the new product. As the product is new, company need to adjust the price from time to time base on customer respond and cost of production. The product price will be firstly fixed in the range from RM 8 to RM 15, base on the type and size of meal ordered, however changes will occur whenever necessary. If the charges of the product are too low it might lead to customer perception that the food quality is poor, while charging for the product too high will cause customer to switch their preferences to other competitors. KFC also will take into consideration on the probable reaction from other competitor in their pricing strategy 5.1.3 Place Place is the main distribution channel, it is important so that the product is available to the customer at the right place, at the right time and with adequate quantity. Vege Burger and Vege Wraps will be launch at every single KFC outlet in Malaysia. They will be available throughout Malaysia as the idea is everyone can enjoy good food. However it will be firstly launch at outlet located in big cities before spreading to the rest. Besides than KFC restaurant outlet Vege Burger and Vege Wrap will also be available through online ordering and home delivery service. 5.1.4 Promotion In order to draw customer attention and to persuade customer to purchase the Vege Burger and Vege Wrap, KFC has come up with different promotions strategies and tactics to tackle as many customer as possible. For instance, special discount rate will be offer on the first three months when the Vege Burger and Vege Wrap is launch. Set meals upon ordering during lunch time and dinner time will be given special rate, which include of a standard size Veggie Burger or wrap, a non sugar carbonated drink and a coleslaw salad as side dish. Customer with large order quantity will be given cash voucher which applicable on their next purchase. Besides that, KFC use various promotion channels to effectively communicate the product information, to make people to aware of the new item, feel positive and remember it well. KFC apply broadcast advertising through newspaper, radio and TV program, the best and important marketing medium for promotion. KFC will advertise on the front page on the best selling newspaper to draw reader’s attention, paper such as Kwong Wah daily, The Star and News Strait Times. In addition television and radio advertisement will be broadcast during golden hours. 5.1.5 People KFC understand the importance of its employee and value customer, a happy customer result from the service provided from a happy employee. KFC will punt in extra effort and marketing their employee training and recruitment. 5.1.6 Process Due to the vegetarian sensitivity and particular in the process of food preparation, KFC will practice transparency to confide consumer in the coming launch product. The food manufacturing at KFC is completely transparent, food preparation process are visible to customer across the counter. It enable customer to view and judge the hygienic standard in KFC, besides that is also allow customer to know the ingredients used for food that they consume. This practice creates a solid proof to customer gaining their confident towards KFC. As Vege Burger and Vege Wrap is 100% vegan, ingredients will be prepared separately, using dedicated utensils and equipment. On the other hand, special training will be provided to all employees on method of cooking and preparation giving thorough knowledge to employee towards the new product. Managers are also designated to monitor the process of preparation to ensure standard procedures are follow. 5.1.7 Physical Evidence KFC focuses on the cleanliness and hygienic interior of its outlet especially at the dining area, providing a clean and hygienic dining environment to customer. In the same time, maintain attractive and proper decorum at its joints. Better facilities will be provide at KFC centre, such as internet facilities and dedicated area for children to play while parent can have quality time together. In order to match up with the launch of Vege Burger and Vege Wraps, KFC also launch a new design working uniform for their staff which come in green color imaging of eating green and living healthy. Physical appearance affects not only the impression from outsiders but it also a company brand image. 6.0 Budget KFC is using competitive parity method for company budget. In order to defend against competition, KFC will compare its budget with major competitors like Mc Donald’s and Burger King, spending as much as competitor. Example, if competitor is spending RM 500,000 in their promotion, KFC will also allocate the same or almost equal amount for their brand promotion. This method is easy to implement, it does not occur complicated forecast and appraisal, and most importantly, it enable to prevent competitor from making inroad to the company market share. 7.0 Controlling and Evaluation 7.1 Operation control Operation control focuses on day-to-day operation. To effectively control the operation and reduce risk, it requires standard policies and procedure to ensure a consistence standard of business runs. KFC operational control management will monitor the daily operation of the outlets especially towards the aspect of personnel and technology to avoid any obstacle occurs from affecting stores operation. A systematic system ensured activities carried out accordingly as planned. Corrective action will be taken by management whenever is necessary. 7.2 Strategy Control In the strategy control KFC management will look into the planning and tactics implement to reach the objective that has been targeted. Proper monitoring will be put into practice from carry out up to completion of the strategy such as promotion, advertising activities, and pricing. At the end management will analyse on how effective is the planning from the result. Revision and changes will be made to improve it if necessary. 7.3 Evaluation Lastly, final evaluation will be carry out to review the respond and comment from customer towards KFC. Customer feedback will be majorly focused on comment through questionnaire, customer forum, and feedback form. Besides that KFC will also ask for real-life comments where feedbacks were warranted. Customer will be asked to expand their feedback and how would they like to have the job done or handled. Looking at the service from customer point of view would provide a better understanding on what customer really need. In addition, sending mystery shopper can also help to monitor the quality of customer service and food furnished. Assessment can be carried out by reviewing the service level provided by front-line staff, food standard, and outlet environment. Thus help the management to evaluate the overall performance of an outlet. Feedbacks compiled will be filter by management selecting whichever is useful to the company and problem will be brought to attention according to severity so that appropriate remedial action can be taken. KFC will ensure follow up on every customer to see whether the solution has helped the customer, and will also maintain customer database so that company can send regular questionnaires and receive new opinion and ideas from customer for future improvement. Every feedback from customer is valuable therefore small gift like cash vouchers will be given to thanks customer for giving helpful tips and as a sense of respect to encourage ongoing open communication from customer in future. Appendixes Appendix A: References 1. Behera, M., 2008. The 7Ps of Marketing Mix. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 November 2012] 2. Kayne, R., 2012. Has it been proven that Vegetarian Diet is Really Healthier? [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 December 2012] 3. KFC (Holdings) Malaysia Bhd., 2011. KFC Malaysia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 November 2012] 4. KFC, 2011. Newsroom. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 December 2012] 5. KFC, 2012. ABOUT US. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 November 2012] 6. KFC, 2012. Jom KFC. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 December 2012] 7. KFC, 2012. Colonel’s Menu. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 December 2012] 8. KFC, 2012. Colonel’s Menu. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 December 2012] 9. KFC, 2012. KFC Holding (Malaysia) BHD Annual Report. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 December 2012] 10. KFC, 2012. Colonel’s Menu. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 December 2012] 11. Ligaya, A., 2009. Consumer more health conscious. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 December 2012] 12. Management Study Guide, 2008-2012. Marketing Mix-meaning and its Elements. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 November 2012] 13. Medialine. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 December 2012] 14. Mohammad, N., A., 2007. KFC outlet with a difference. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 December 2012] 15., 2012. KFC – Tripureswor. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 December 2012] 16. Poh Huai Bin, 2010. KFC Zinger Double Down Burger. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 December] 17. The Chartered Institute of Marketing, 2009. Marketing and the 7Ps. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 December 2012] 18. Wisnudewobroto, 2011. Kentucky Fried Chicken Marketing Strategy (English). [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 December 2012] 19. WordPress, 2012. Top food and beverage trends to watch in 2013. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 13 December 2012] 20. You! Bumpit! 2008. COMPETITIVE-PARITY METHOD. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 December 2012

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Receiving a Homeschool Highschool Diploma

One of the biggest concerns for homeschooling parents is high school. They worry about how their student will get a diploma so he or she can attend college, get a job, or join the military. No one wants homeschooling to impact their child’s academic future or career options negatively. The good news is that homeschooled students can successfully achieve their post-graduation goals with a parent-issued diploma. What Is a Diploma? A diploma is an official document awarded by a high school indicating that a student has completed the necessary requirements for graduation. In most cases, students must complete a predetermined number of credit hours in high school-level courses such as English, math, science, and social studies. Diplomas may be accredited or non-accredited. An accredited diploma is one that is issued by an institution that has been verified to meet a given set of criteria. Most public and private schools are accredited. That means that they have met the standards set by a governing body, which is usually the department of education in the state in which the school is located. Non-accredited diplomas are issued by institutions that have not met or chose not to adhere to the guidelines set by such a governing body. Individual homeschools, along with some public and private schools, are not accredited. However, with few exceptions, this fact does not negatively impact a homeschooled students post-graduation options. Homeschooled students are admitted to colleges and universities and can even earn scholarships with or without accredited diplomas, just like their traditionally-schooled peers. They can join the military and get a job. There are options for obtaining an accredited diploma for families who want their student to have that validation. One option is to use a distance learning or online school such as Alpha Omega Academy or Abeka Academy.   Why Is a Diploma Necessary? Diplomas are necessary for college admission, military acceptance, and usually employment. Homeschool diplomas are accepted at most colleges and universities. With few exceptions,  colleges require that students take an admissions test such as the  SAT or ACT. Those test scores, along with a transcript of a student’s high school courses, will meet the entrance requirements for most schools. Check the website for the college or university your student is interested in attending. Many schools now have specific admissions information  for homeschooled students on their sites or  admissions specialists who work  directly with homeschoolers. Homeschool diplomas are also accepted by the United States military.  A  high school transcript validating  the parent-issued diploma  may be requested and should suffice for proving that the student met the requirements eligible for graduation. Graduation Requirements for a High School Diploma There are several options for obtaining a diploma for your homeschooled student.   Parent-Issued Diploma Most homeschool parents choose to issue their students a diploma themselves.   Most states don’t require that homeschool families follow specific graduation guidelines. To be sure, investigate your state’s  homeschooling laws  on a trustworthy  site such as Homeschool Legal Defense Association  or your statewide homeschool support group. If the law doesn’t specifically address graduation requirements, there are none for your state. Some states, such as New York and Pennsylvania, have detailed graduation requirements. Other states, such as  California,  Tennessee, and  Louisiana, may stipulate graduation requirements based on the homeschooling option parents choose. For example, Tennessee homeschooling families who enroll in an umbrella school must meet that school’s graduation requirements to receive a diploma. If your state does not list graduation requirements for homeschooled students, you are free to establish your own. You want to consider your students interests, aptitudes, abilities, and career goals. One commonly-suggested method for determining requirements is to follow your state’s public school requirements or to use them as a guideline for setting your own. Another option is to research the colleges or universities that your student is considering and follow their admissions guidelines. For either of these alternatives, it can be helpful to understand typical  course requirements for high school students. However, it is also important to keep in mind that many colleges and universities are actively seeking homeschool graduates and often appreciate a non-traditional approach to school. Dr. Susan Berry, who researches and writes about educational topics like the fast-growing rate of homeschooling, told Alpha Omega Publications: â€Å"The high achievement level of homeschoolers is readily recognized by recruiters from some of the best colleges in the nation. Schools such as Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard, Stanford, and Duke University all actively recruit homeschoolers.† That means that patterning your homeschool after a traditional high school may not be necessary, even if your student plans to attend college. Use the admissions requirements for the school your child would like to attend as a guide. Determine what  you  deem necessary for your student to know upon completion of his high school years. Use those two pieces of information to guide your student’s four-year high school plan. Diplomas From Virtual or Umbrella Schools If your homeschooled student is enrolled in an umbrella school, a virtual academy, or an online school, that school will likely issue a diploma. In most cases, these schools are treated like a distance learning school. They will determine the courses and credit hours required for graduation. Parents using an umbrella school usually have some degree of freedom in meeting the course requirements. In most cases, parents can choose their own curriculum and even their own courses. For example, students may be required to earn three credits in science, but individual families can choose which science courses their student takes. A student taking online courses or working through a virtual academy will sign up for the courses that the school offers to meet the credit hour requirements. This means that their options may be limited to more traditional courses, general science, biology, and chemistry to earn three science credits, for example. Public or Private School Diplomas In most cases, a public school will not issue a diploma to a homeschooled student even if the homeschool worked under the oversight of the local school district. Students who schooled at home using an online public school option, such as K12, will receive a state-issued high school diploma.   Homeschooled students who worked closely with a private school may be issued a diploma by that school. What Should a Homeschool Diploma Include? Parents who choose to issue their own high school diploma may wish to use a homeschool diploma template. The diploma should include: The name of the high school (or wording that indicates that it is a high school diploma)The students nameWording to indicate that the student has met the graduation requirements for his schoolThe date the diploma was issued or the course of study was completedThe signature(s) of the homeschool teacher (usually one or both parents) Although parents can create and print their own diplomas, it is advisable to order a more official-looking document from a reputable source such as  Homeschool Legal Defense Association  (HSLDA) or  Homeschool Diploma. A high-quality diploma can make a better impression on potential schools or employers. What Else Do Homeschool Graduates Need? Many homeschooling parents wonder if their student should take the  GED  (General Education Development). A GED is not a diploma, but rather certificate indicating that a person has demonstrated a mastery of knowledge equivalent to what he would have learned in high school. Unfortunately, many colleges and employers do not view a GED the same as a high school diploma. They may assume that a person dropped out of high school or was unable to complete the course requirements for graduation. Says Rachel Tustin of, If two applicants set side by side, and one had a high school diploma and the other a GED, odds are colleges and employers would lean towards the one with a high school diploma. The reason is simple: students with  GEDs  often lack other key data sources colleges look at when determining college admissions. Unfortunately, a GED is often perceived as a shortcut. If your student has completed the requirements that you (or your state’s homeschooling laws) have set for graduating high school, he or she has earned his diploma.   Your student will likely need a  high school transcript. This transcript should include basic information about your student (name, address, and date of birth), along with a list of courses he has taken and a letter grade for each, an  overall GPA, and a grading scale. You may also want to keep a separate document with course descriptions in case it is requested. This document should list the name of the course, the materials used to complete it (textbooks, websites, online courses, or hands-on experience), the concepts mastered, and the hours completed in the subject. As homeschooling continues to grow, colleges, universities, the military, and employers are becoming increasingly accustomed to seeing parent-issued homeschool diplomas and accepting them as they would a degree from any other school.